The Skull creeps have tried to keep me enslaved for years. I attended the Maui Writers Conference six years in a roll. That is where they discovered my work. Later they communicated with me over the internet. They have said they are feeding off me like psychic vampires and destroying my life force. Their soldiers have watched me and bugged my home. They monitor all of my behavior and steal every morsal of light while stealing my work through these dark armies.Why can't The Russian attorneys that are going after Warner Brothers use my hard drives to prove these crimes occurred and expose this dark army? I have always thought the motion picture companies and publishing companies were a part of this but none would listen to me or investigate or hold these dark people accountable for their crimes against humanity. None would investigate their past or protect me from their evil armies or warn the world about their armies and weapons. They put their crimes in their work. Watch intolerable cruelty. See George clooney talk about going after the christians and meeting at Caesars Palace. I tried to warn the church two years before this dark group went after the church. They also put my suffering in movies. They boldly put their evil out there. In dusk till dawn clooney says, welcome to slavery. Eli roth used my book cover from a self published book on a movie poster. He stole my synopsis to set a horror story in a youth hostel. Terrintino used my idea to kill hitler. Clooneys company used my story The Godsend. My work was stolen the very first conference and turned into the movie 'Wrong Turn'. John Saul and Michael sack took an interest in my work. John pulled me aside at a party and told me he was impressed with my writing. Later he and Michael sack used my story ideas and even my real name in their books. I pitched my first script to Grade A producer Andy cohen. Look at the character on the cover of premonition. He sold that movie at Christmas time in a double box set with 'Untraceable'. You can see where I put at the bottom of my synopsis submitted to the Maui writers conference the same quote about curiosity killing the cat he used on 'Untraceable' synopsis. You can also see in the first story I submitted to the maui writers conference how my lead character thought of himself as the lion in the Serengeti moving in for the kill after hunting his prey. They use the cat and mouse in all of their adds today. John Saul and Mike Sack are gay. Mike sack told me in maui that he and john couldn't get into hollywood but they were arranging deals to create a series. The year they put my story ideas in their book 'BLack Creek Crossing' we went on a cruise together. They were extra friendly. Michael told me after the cruise they were meeting with hollywood people to see if they had a career. Strangely George clooney used my work instead of Johns story. John and Mike told me clooney had nabbed their story 'midnight voices through Andy Cohen. Andy Cohen did the 'untraceable' after this dark group played with me on line and did similar things to me in real life they did to Diane lane. Terry brooks is john sauls best friend. He went on the cruise with us to the panama canal. Notice he did a star wars trilogy. he also has a law degree. Clooney was on staff at Warner brothers at the time i called their legal department to inquire about my work and tell them of the plagiarism. His brother was a lawyer in the legal department. Later I saw Saul and Clooney work with Sony along with Ron Howard who spoke at the conference and andy Cohen. Sony used portions of my witchcraft story john didn't use in his book in 'Book Of lost memories'. They even named streets after Saul, Stephen king and rice. I tried to tell people about their hunt club mentioned in hostel and 'The Manhattan Hunt Club'. None would listen. I spent years and thousands of dollars dedicating my life to try to expose their crimes to save others from harm. They built an empire all of my work and dreams and suffering. This is the reason I am their obsession and they stalk and torture me to this day. They said they kept me alive for more story ideas and they know their empire wouldn't exist and be nearly so powerful if I wasn't the creator behind their work and the victim they used to torture all these years for some satanic power. These men all claim to be atheists. They even have stars at their sites like on windows 8 computer that resemble cia symbol. My guess is they have formed some kind of witches coven and they are seducing kids, luring teens to the dark side, performing mind experiments like they do on me. John keeps posting nasa videos at his page. I was approached by a scientist named upendra singh after the writers conference at the hotel where the conference was held. He took pictures of me and asked me to visit the giant telescope. We went sight seeing for three days. Last January i read he was inventing the laser satellite. Don't know if he knows this group but I do know they are obsessed with space and nasa and mind control. In all of john sauls class projects he and Michael created bad guys that seduced and murdered people via the internet and convinced teens to murder their teachers and classmates. My fear at the time i went after this group and exposed the hacking and theft was that they would somehow use their genius mind to influence others and possibly lure children to the dark side and convince them to kill over the computer and even commit suicide. That is before the terrorist groups started stalking and hunting people on line and military started monitoring cyber world and all of these wayward kids started committing suicide. in the back of my mind i thought this would happen and warned in advance. I get these premonitions. Perhaps God is telling me. I was once a victim and perhaps that has made me see the future and know how the devil works. Their empire has grown. the entertainment industry, publishing companies and computer companies I believe engage in evil crimes. The criminals and Microsoft learned how to enslave people through technology. They are using their corporate monsters to let people enslave themselves. They seek out poor weak slaves and dreamers and genius achievers to add to their dark empire. Terry brook had a hand in the star wars trilogy and the dark predator on line sometimes speaks to me as darth vader. the weapons they use on me are sickly evil. New age weapons none has seen before. Film companies can afford these weapons. Satan used me to help build his empire through my creative vision and dreams. I had no awareness when i went to the Maui writers conference of this evil. The devil lures people through dreams. I knew the fantasy world would entice and entertain others. They combined my ideas about combing fantasy and story characters to their games. A twisted imagination and faith and spiritualism can make evil things happen. I never imagined dreams could turn to evil. This group has shown me how my dreamy visions can serve the beast and eventually destroy the world. If you want to stop the devil raid his compound, expose his lies. They won't make the devil pay. Instead the weak minded servants make the innocent suffer so satan can build his global empire off the suffering innocents -I've lived the nightmare-Sherry Lee Bretz
Was the holocaust an experiment in the occult and human enslavement?
The terrorist armies used to attack me after dark. Investigators found cut outs on my land and tire prints that proved they were coming on my property at night. They thought their were skillful in the way they cut out paths to be able to watch me but I couldn't see them. They come out after midnight now. i sometimes hear a sound like static. They start off burning me. They aim for various spots of my body. The back especially. I've had mri's to show the damage they've done to my spine. When i went to a urologist two weeks ago to have tests done they did a cats scan. Later they ran more tests. They saw blood caused by their weapons and kidney damage. After I exposed them through tests and medical exports they started burning my eyes at night. I went to an eye specialist last week. My eye doctor sent me because he feared they were detaching my visceral from the retina. He said he could perform eye surgery. Last night they went after the bladder again because I posted on line about the skulls and also because I mentioned how my step daughter is now having pictures taken of herself at sport stadiums, wearing mad hatter hats and posting corporate adds. They want to use their weapons to try to silence you after they steal from you and torture you for exposing evil. in the day they turn the brain pressure on and have people stalk me that somehow zap my mind in public . They make me dizzy, cause blurred vision and are able to freely torture my brain inside my home after they mark me or do something with their box to map my brain. They Won't Stop Someone must investigate and see if this is the same dark Pixie Canadian group trying to sabatoge President Putin's olympic ceremony to ensure the safety of others by Sherry L Bretz
Was the holocaust an experiment in the occult and human enslavement?
The terrorist armies used to attack me after dark. Investigators found cut outs on my land and tire prints that proved they were coming on my property at night. They thought their were skillful in the way they cut out paths to be able to watch me but I couldn't see them. They come out after midnight now. i sometimes hear a sound like static. They start off burning me. They aim for various spots of my body. The back especially. I've had mri's to show the damage they've done to my spine. When i went to a urologist two weeks ago to have tests done they did a cats scan. Later they ran more tests. They saw blood caused by their weapons and kidney damage. After I exposed them through tests and medical exports they started burning my eyes at night. I went to an eye specialist last week. My eye doctor sent me because he feared they were detaching my visceral from the retina. He said he could perform eye surgery. Last night they went after the bladder again because I posted on line about the skulls and also because I mentioned how my step daughter is now having pictures taken of herself at sport stadiums, wearing mad hatter hats and posting corporate adds. They want to use their weapons to try to silence you after they steal from you and torture you for exposing evil. in the day they turn the brain pressure on and have people stalk me that somehow zap my mind in public . They make me dizzy, cause blurred vision and are able to freely torture my brain inside my home after they mark me or do something with their box to map my brain. They Won't Stop Someone must investigate and see if this is the same dark Pixie Canadian group trying to sabatoge President Putin's olympic ceremony to ensure the safety of others by Sherry L Bretz
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