story by Sherry Lee Bretz
story by Sherry Lee Bretz
THIS IS THE WORST IT'S EVER BEEN. I WENT TO McDonalds came home tonight and didn't recognize my own cat. I was dizzy. THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED. I've never done drugs and I haven't been drunk. What the freak are they doing to me? i knew my cat yesterday. Today has been the worst mentally.
I pet the cat and talked to her and didn't know she was even mine. It really blew my mind tonight! I've never done this before! I was trying to figure out where she came from and who she belonged.I pet her every day. I've had her over six years and didn't remember her. Once before when I went through a drive through restaurant they zapped me and I didn't recognize I was even going through a red light on the way home. A police man pulled me over and asked if I was taking drugs..He said he clearly watched me go through it knowing I was totally unaware. I told him i had been zapped. He asked me to speak to his partner. When I gave his partner details and the link to my Facebook page and described meeting a Nasa scientist in Maui he totally believed me. He told his partner he believed me. His partner questioned his sanity for letting me drive home but I was able to drive. This technology can make people have wrecks. You don't know you're impaired. Right now I am shaking and dizzy. A few weeks ago it caused temporary blindness and I couldn’t focus or see my husband for over several hours. I went to sleep and the next day I could see. Each time I get worse. They keep assaulting me hoping I'll go completely bonkers and either be awarded to the state in their control or take advantage of me and overpower me when I get crazy and can't function. These devil worshippers after money, The skull worshipping soldiers and terrorist army of the dark side. I believe this is a global terrorist take over. I get harassed by corporate callers everyday. I think this is a corporate take over. I am being attacked every day by armies with new technology. Putin needs to do a story on the holocaust. The holocaust that is taken place none will do anything about involving new age weapons. They have the head pressure turned up and it's getting worse tonight. Said something about Clooney and Stephen king last night and look now. I believe this is the work of the anti christ and the people responsible for this are devil worshippers and they have dark armies. Crossbones represent swatzika They are out for blood. They stole from me. Now they are killing me slowly and deliberately driving me insane. They are permitted to rob me through advanced computer software. They originally stole from me at a writers conference. This dark group is free to rob corporations I would image and perform any crime they want on the internet and in reality. Many of these people are even foreign. I see so many of them coming in from Canada. They are blending into society and stalking and killing people. They are creating bigger armies everyday skilled in computer programming and stealing from everybody I would imagine. They won't be punished. They've been doing this too long. They have a free pass to enslave. They are enslaving mankind through these dark corporate armies and mind invasion technology and slowly killing people through energy energy weapons, laser weapons and radiation weapons. None monitors them or investigates their crimes or reports them in the media or abroad. They are free to wreak havoc and murder freely and they are probably going down the list to target anyone who has money in this country
They love to torture people. They love to slowly drive me insane and watch and record and get their kicks and some power off it. Sometimes they play my suffering back to me on my cell phone. They taunt me and post pictures of me. They are invading other peoples lives and dissecting them and experimenting with them emotionally, physically and mentally to cause distress to create stories and make money off their suffering. Their crimes are recorded and the group orchestrates crimes and shares. They enjoy being wicked together and gaining wealth from their evil. They insult people and provoke them on line through a cyber terrorist group. They are the head hunters club of the famous elite and world assassins and film company game inventors and people who have no self respect. Many are devil worshippers who hate God. They have made me so bad lately after night assault I've driven off from fast food restaurants after I've paid for food and forgotten I ordered It. This has happened twice in the past few weeks and it really freaked me out. It never happened before. I won't let them make me afraid but they keep trying. They cause head pain, numbness, dizziness, blurred visions, slurred speech. They have been messing with my brain every single day both in and out of my home and keeping a record. They try to terrorize you in the best way they know how. While they torture you with their weapons all over your body and have callers harass you everyday from different corporations and around the country and follow you in cars and speak to you on the computer. They make me sleepy when I'm writing and truly happy with what i've created. They don’t want me to find any comfort within myself. They torture me if I'm happy. They especially like the penalize me if I'm having a good day. They try to learn everything they can about your life to slowly destroy everything good in it.
I can only share this with other people that's about all i can do. I hope Putin does a holocaust story. I have plenty to share with him to make the whole world aware of this evil. I have dairies and detectives have physical evidence. The evil doers can't succeed. They continually threaten me and say they are going to have me eating out of garbage cans and steal everything I own through my step child if I tell anyone about their experiments and mind torture and slow kill and bodily harm they do every single night. Terrorists can't be rewarded for such evil. God will punish them. They'll strike each other down. I hope he does a story based on all the news and evidence people have taken to him.
People notice I'm changing more everyday. I feel it. I see it. I'm slipping for reporting them. They are turning people into zombies seriously. I know God Is On My Side. I can't escape. They have destroyed my personal freedom and they keep telling me I"m their slave and say do as I'm told. I''ll never do that. They are foolish to think I would.
I told my husband a long time ago they were going to try to drive me insane because most victims of mind control harassment and gang stalking usually are crazy. I questioned a long ago if this group made them crazy. Now I'm starting to see my premonition was correct. You can't battle this technology you can't defeat it when none will expose it or admit it's there or put it in the media or penalize them
I'm using the mind I have left to fight them. I know the truth is on my side and I''ll win. God will win and they will go down.
Love God-sherry lee bretz
I visited tulum over twenty years ago and Cozumel. Looking at the man made dragon fence made me question the relics and evil presence that still loomed there. I wondered what mayans were trying to keep out. They picked the best cliffs to build their shrines like the elite. They buried their best jewels with dead. The breathtaking scenery and pristine ocean below made me question the riches that laid beneath the surface awaiting mans discovery and the horrible sacrifices that took place out of ignorance. A blood thirsty civilization needed to parish. I question today if the mayans and nazis descended through the years and went into hiding to conduct their rituals and satanic offerings for power? I question If perhaps we only see the world they have created without seeing the truth of the darkness and evil through their masquerading. The devils mask people wear today seems to keep people in power. The devils lies also seem to to keep people seduced, enslaved and tormented..---I am happy to be living in this era. I Even though there is suffering evil and crime. I have had every question I ever asked answered and lived every dream. We see and encounter things our distant ancestors only dreamed to see. They relied on faith their whole lives. We have proof. The future is not a mystery. Childhood fears consist of the unknown. We have attained vast knowledge to alleviate fear. I have grown closer to God. Today we are given a choice between good and evil because the veil is being lifted and we are discovering real truth. History is still a blur but we know the modern world. We are being shown darkness and light to be able to choose good or evil through our discoveries. Self discovery is now at our fingertips through literature. We can make choices through educating ourselves and life observations we never could before. I wouldn't want to live any other life than the one I have been blessed with. How many people could own a Picasso, rembrandt or Monet in their home that couldn't before? Now we have printers. We can now search through all the museums on google without leaving our home and see everything more colorfully enhanced. In the past people relied on horse and buggy. Imagine how long it took to travel abroad? You may not have been lucky enough to travel. Nowadays we can see the entire globe without leaving our home
I visited tulum over twenty years ago and Cozumel. Looking at the man made dragon fence made me question the relics and evil presence that still loomed there. I wondered what mayans were trying to keep out. They picked the best cliffs to build their shrines like the elite. They buried their best jewels with dead. The breathtaking scenery and pristine ocean below made me question the riches that laid beneath the surface awaiting mans discovery and the horrible sacrifices that took place out of ignorance. A blood thirsty civilization needed to parish. I question today if the mayans and nazis descended through the years and went into hiding to conduct their rituals and satanic offerings for power? I question If perhaps we only see the world they have created without seeing the truth of the darkness and evil through their masquerading. The devils mask people wear today seems to keep people in power. The devils lies also seem to to keep people seduced, enslaved and tormented..---I am happy to be living in this era. I Even though there is suffering evil and crime. I have had every question I ever asked answered and lived every dream. We see and encounter things our distant ancestors only dreamed to see. They relied on faith their whole lives. We have proof. The future is not a mystery. Childhood fears consist of the unknown. We have attained vast knowledge to alleviate fear. I have grown closer to God. Today we are given a choice between good and evil because the veil is being lifted and we are discovering real truth. History is still a blur but we know the modern world. We are being shown darkness and light to be able to choose good or evil through our discoveries. Self discovery is now at our fingertips through literature. We can make choices through educating ourselves and life observations we never could before. I wouldn't want to live any other life than the one I have been blessed with. How many people could own a Picasso, rembrandt or Monet in their home that couldn't before? Now we have printers. We can now search through all the museums on google without leaving our home and see everything more colorfully enhanced. In the past people relied on horse and buggy. Imagine how long it took to travel abroad? You may not have been lucky enough to travel. Nowadays we can see the entire globe without leaving our home
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