Thursday, December 26, 2013

new story

I have a new story written for VP! Vladimir inspires me!
How would you like to be followed by a band of zombies programmed by psychopathic movie and game inventers to stalk and hunt people with real life star trek type weapons
-I'm the hunted. author Sherry Lee Bretz (c) copyright 2013
The world is being overtaken by devil worshipping soul, light seeking vampires. What psychopath invented this... game. These games are just teaching children witchcraft and making them violent. They are training a new breed of young minds to seek the dark side, become bloodthirsty, power hungry, demonic mad film and game junkies and murderers and thieves. This is one of many games that are created to cause psychological damage and program and brainwash. The current movies have the same theme. People are actually joining forces to stalk people like prey, using new age weapons on them and harnessing the human mind. I think it's interesting how they gave the villain in this story the name Vladimir. I do believe in possession. When people surrender their body and mind like these players are doing dark entities do replace their light. It explains why so many are against prayer, Christian churches and developing a relationship with Christ and better understanding of the world. I think Vladimir Putin is a genius. He is the chosen target by many of these dark forces because he is superior. He is of the light and has a higher understanding of human nature and the keen ability to recognize good from evil, conquer the devil and put righteousness, peace and balance back into the world. He shows what fools these mind controlled fame hungry attention seeking nuts are. He holds the power. Power comes from God. Power through faith moves mountains and makes the world worth living. Their false sense of security and power is a delusion in their mind through the fantasy realm they use to escape reality and feel some sense of control. They aren't even a bug beneath his shoe. Satan hates class and brilliance and sane strong minds. Satan is weak to hide behind children and drug addicts, weak minded smut peddlers and terrorist assassins that hide in the night. Vladmir is a real man of faith that steps into the light

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