Lets live off the land, work hand in hand and live by Gods laws-sherry bretz
The next time they mention rewriting the constitution someone should tell them to tare up the whole damn mess. Destroy every law that's ever been written accept the ten commandments. Man made laws only seem created protect the criminals because good people don't break the law and the criminals go free. They cause chaos and confusion, reward lawyers and limit our freedom. We should just pick up and go where we choose and homestead like on the sitcom Little House On The Prairie and not need any paper work and passports because illegal aliens enter the country everyday and take jobs away from American born citizens and none should have to pay for a piece of paper to exist anywhere. American citizens support the free loaders who sneak across the border and foreign babies that are born in America and granted citizenship instantly and free medical care. The criminals live off Americans tax dollars. Instead of rewriting the constitution send us back to the days of the wild west and let people fend for themselves. We'd have better odds and a greater chance for survival. All this many years of paying tax dollars has done is given the devil power to build weapons to use against us and enslave and destroy people and send us straight to hell. The system they have designed is insane and unholy and destructive to mankind because it makes no sense. It goes against human nature. It enslaves man and tries to tame what isn't meant to be tamed. It's unfair and destroys equal right. We don't need a pass to be born. We don't need a card granting us freedom to live anywhere on the planet we choose. We were born free to live wherever we want and be whoever we want like wildlife. All this man made bullshit has done is destroyed us through time, made us greedy, closed minded, blind to Gods beauty in the world, lazy and dependent on others. It's killed the spirit. if they want to build a governed world where everyone is controlled by mind weapons and microchips that certainly won't work. It serves the selfish greedy psychopaths who hunger for control and destroys the needy. Anyone who would try to control mankind is a twisted freak. The satanic gluttons wouldn't last a day in the real world. They can only prosper in a fictional universe created by the devils lies where they can wear a disguise and enslave the weak, gullible through wealth and trickery and illusion. In a dark world ruled by Satan bloodshed and slavery feed the beast and build empires because the beasts hunger is never fed. Getting away from the divine truth has brought us to this prison today. The only outlet is prayer, freedom and breaking away from the source who enslaved us and our ancestors. The beast. Human bondage, satan worship, mind control and soul hacking is more terrifying than facing the wilderness alone, terrorists and wild beasts with my bare hands